As a purpose-driven organisation, we value nothing more than taking a scheme to its destination.
Choosing wisely
There are many end-game options available, which will be suitable for different schemes. Many schemes will target buy-out, but others will be looking at consolidators, capital-backed security options, master trusts, or other insurance vehicles. Our job is to support robust, evidence-based analysis, comparisons, and recommendations, challenging advice and obtaining the best outcome for the scheme.
Flexibility in an evolving market
Drawing on our market overview, we work with each sponsor to agree the best outcome for the sponsor and scheme members. Whilst we might agree a preferred route, the market is continually moving. Where new ideas or changing circumstances demand a change in direction, we adapt smoothly to deliver results.
Negotiating for value
We are experienced negotiators, ensuring that our schemes achieve the best possible price for the product they wish to buy.
Risk aware
Our team leaves nothing to chance. We’re focused on governance, which reduces the risk of transactions being inadequately processed or the sponsor being left with residual liability risk.